December 29, 2015 

Commentary from the last Republican Debate still resonates across the nation, and opinions of the content are widely divided. There is much unrest within the US, much of it fueled by a media that is relentless in a quest to expand and perpetuate what is described as “Breaking News”, but is in fact a competition for ratings and profit. Debate coverage has become a new and popular reality show attraction in the “Greatest Country in the World”, but this entertaining, well-intended, informative venue could prove to have created a dangerous, ominous side affect. The normal, visible disgust and differences between candidates has become secondary in a new competition to express which individual has the most hatred for Muslims, and how each would destroy this evil faction that seeks to destroy the homeland. A few have solutions that are devastating and vicious in nature, but are these outspoken promises a wise approach against a religious base that contains reportedly unstable members?? It’s accepted that a number of these people have been radicalized and are a source of fear across the planet, but what if they decide to rebel against these aspiring candidates that so openly commit to destroy the innocent along with the guilty, essentially because of their religious beliefs??

Donald Trump is of course the most outspoken and forceful, and he strongly professes that if elected; he will “Bomb the shit out of them!!” In addition, but not in total; he will flatten their oil fields. He will ban all Muslims from entering or returning to the US. He has also decided that these radicals don’t care about their OWN lives, but they DO care about their families’ lives, and so those families should be “taken out”!! The man who is the front-runner for the GOP nomination publicly supports the murder of innocent people since they are related to a suspected threat to the nation.

Ted Cruz also claims to be an ultra-aggressive, tough-minded individual and when he becomes the president he’ll “Carpet bomb ISIS locations and see if the sand will glow in the dark”!! He realizes there will be death and casualties to uninvolved citizens, but states that these losses are necessary in an all-out thrust in defeating the enemy. Even mild-mannered Dr. Ben Carson casually mentions that there will be unintended losses of life, but that’s a reality that is to be expected.

Chris Christie doesn’t have the physical appearance of someone that might be associated with any type of violence, but he apparently is also a very violent guy. If elected; he wants ground forces to engage with ISIS, regardless of death or injury to US combat troops.  Showing even more strength; he says he’d be more than willing to shoot down Russian aircraft in a no-fly zone, and would be confident in any confrontation with Vladimir Putin…..

Buuuuutt… Are these and other fear-promoters tempting fate and challenging an enemy that will evolve as a translation of these debates? Is it out of the realm of thought that a formerly docile citizen might become so fearful for the lives of his or her family that he or she might take an initiative toward people that openly detest them? What if these hate-filled TV spectacles are spawning a fear that will further the insanity??  For examples — Is Donald Trump’s family safe at all times? Does his daughter go shopping? Do his sons play golf? Do his grandchildren go to school or the park? Does Ted Cruz’ family live in a fortress? Does his wife drive a car? Are his daughters under guard at all times? These are obvious questions but apparently not to some of the GOP candidates. Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims until he can find out “why these people hate us,” and he seems to be serious when he asks the question of his viewers.

The fear and hatred rhetoric is often softly presented on media television, but a far more significant source is prevalent on Talk Radio. If all-out fear and hatred is to be fully enjoyed; just tune in to the smug experts that have all the answers and solutions. Take your pick; a daily dosage of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter and more will instill a need to kill or be killed, and with certainty!!– This begs another question — Are these people and others spewing the same messages safe from retaliation??

Is it at all possible that history will expose the similarities between Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump and many of the obvious war-mongers that will bring the nation to possible devastation?? Would it be prudent to remove the blinders, read some history and rebel against those that claim to be proud Americans, but are in fact consumed by hatred, both within the country and beyond??

More questions to follow from…

Curious Jack


December 1, 2015 

GOP Presidential candidates and supporters are in conflict over numerous issues, but lowering taxes is a commitment shared and revered by all involved. Popular rhetoric indicates that taxation is taboo; a government conspiracy that threatens to strangle business growth and destroy the economy in general. Taxation dissenters are united in a quest to avoid payment by whatever means necessary, often to criminal extent, and take pride in condemning the system that insists fair taxation is required to operate and govern sensibly.

Let me relate a personal experience that has provided me with an alternative and lasting pride relating to one citizen’s responsibility as a member of society.

I spent most of my working life in the automobile business, and for a nine-year period  was employed as General Manager of a large new and used car dealership in Ontario, Canada. My dealer principal (we’ll call him Angelo) was a mentor, a friend and the most honest, trustworthy, discerning individual I’ve been privileged to be associated with in my business history.

In the mid-90s; we were approached by an after-market supplier with a new and innovative approach to marketing after-sale items; products like rustproofing, tinted glass, upgraded sound systems, truck accessories etc. These enhancements were and often still are an integral, profitable segment of the car and truck sales process, and were generally not standard equipment in the  manufacture of new vehicles. The company representative provided a very professional, detailed description of how we would benefit from the addition of their extensive array of services, and in addition described a method that would excuse our company from common taxation application. He informed us that loopholes in the Provincial Sales Tax system allowed profits from these after-market products to be deferred to non-taxable off-shore accounts, thereby enabling our dealership to legally accumulate tax-free funds that could be accessed in the world market. In closing; he provided a long list of dealers that were already reaping the benefits of the procedure.

My main function was to maximize net profit, and therefore the entire concept made complete sense to me. I had little doubt that Angelo would be on board with the idea, and anticipated his normal search for further details. Surprising to me, and to the disappointment of the company rep; Angelo had an entirely different angle regarding what had been proposed and was visibly angry.

He began by explaining that his parents had landed at Ellis Island shortly after WW11, and eventually emigrated to Canada. Angelo and his younger sister were with them when they settled in a small Ontario town, and began the struggle to adjust to a new country,  language and atmosphere. He described the frustrations of his father’s initial barriers, being insulted and called a “DP”, a “Wop” a “dumb construction worker”, and his mother’s difficulties in all aspects of this devastating change in their lives. He told of the eventual progress they enjoyed, how they learned the language, became Canadian citizens, had two more children, blended in with the community and gained lasting, loyal friendships. His parents also provided Angelo and his siblings the opportunity to attend school and attain the education that resulted in rewarding life successes of varying degrees. In Angelo’s case; he progressed in the automobile industry and eventually attained an envied franchise that allowed his entire family to reap the benefits of hard work and dedication.

Angelo’s closing comments were something to this effect — He said ” My family was given the opportunity to resettle in Canada at a most uncomfortable time of their lives. They left their Italian homeland, endured and overcame hardships, and as a result; I was able to become a Canadian. I am more than  proud to be able to say this is now MY country. I WANT to pay my taxes; every last penny, because my country needs the money to continue to enable me and others to live here in an environment that is envied everywhere in the world. I am not interested in your ideas or innovations that will void my responsibilities and want you to leave. Now..”

I will always recall leading the visiting rep to the dealership exit door. Neither of us spoke a single word, but I’m sure he was as affected as I by Angelo’s strong and firm resolve. To this day when I hear or read of politicians that advocate the necessity of tax reductions, the resistance to universal health care for all, tax havens for the wealthy, and so many more examples of outright greed in the US; I think of that day with my boss and how I am forever respectful of his appreciation and gratitude to his country.

Have no doubt that Donald Trump would have many adjectives to describe someone like Angelo, not the least of which would be “stupid” or “loser”……

No questions today, but more to follow from…

Curious Jack

Does CNN Rule??

November 27, 2015 

I’m just curious — Is it possible that CNN will be the key and motivating component in the election of Donald Trump as the Republican Party nominee for the Presidency of the United States of America?? Is it possible that the (FREE, NO-CHARGE) CNN  air time that he is provided has created an indelible effect on voters that have become staunch Trump supporters?? Is it possible that CNN has promoted and built a media furor that enhances the Trump-led wave of “demand for inexperienced leaders in government”?? Is it possible that CNN has taken advantage of Trump’s thirst for fame by headlining a daily diet of prime-time programming appearances by “The Donald”?? Is it possible that the CNN quest for ratings and subsequent monetary gain will once again confirm that money rules in all aspects of American life??

Why exactly does Donald Trump get more attention from all media than the other GOP candidates combined?? Is he more intelligent than Ted Cruz? Is he more “likable” than Ben Carson? Is he better looking than Carly Fiorina? In better shape than Rand Paul? More dapper than Marco Rubio? More sensible than Jeb Bush? Why aren’t they on TV?? Why doesn’t CNN and the other networks constantly show clips of these candidates’ campaign coverage?  What can it be?? Can it be that CNN has forced the rest of the media giants to follow the leader and exploit the unhinged rants of a bonafide narcissist during his self-serving endeavor to become the President of the United States? Can it be that that the CNN-led media has developed a new and popular approach to political coverage that encourages viewers to observe the phenomenon that has become a Presidential “Reality” Show??

Is it wrong to openly and honestly compare the success of Donald Trump and failure of the other GOP candidates to media-founded “reality” television? Trump himself had a highly-rated, prime-time show. Maury Povich has been revealing guilty or innocent dads for years, and to large, faithful, daily audiences. Dr. Phil enters homes with professional guidance on how not to avoid becoming as pitiful as his guests. Survivor fans are willing to ignore their children rather than miss a compelling episode that might eliminate a contesting favorite. There are multiple comparisons, including mega hits like Duck Dynasty, 19 Kids & Counting, Jersey Shore, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the Bachelor, Real Housewives, and many, many more. So why the comparison?? The SAME citizens of the “Greatest Country in the World” that have viewed, revered and popularized this “reality” entertainment exploitation are the people casting opinions and votes that will determine the future of the country!!

Is it wrong to strongly suggest that these described entertainment creations are in fact, not reality whatsoever and that the “reality” term has been contrived by the media?? Should the American public be encouraged to come to terms with the “reality” that Donald Trump is nothing more than a shallow braggart and is indeed a threat to the entire political process? The mislead, blue collar Trump fans are not conservatives by any description, but are in fact enamored with him in the same manner that they adored the Jerry Springer Show or Fear Factor. If Erin Burnett, Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon are instructed to ignore any coverage of The Donald and his daily exploits, will he be forced into demanding regular air time elsewhere or pay for the fame himself??

Orrrrr….. — Is that scenario in the best interest of CNN?? Or are they better served to continue to invent and perpetuate the “news” of the day as is their process?? The prediction is that CNN will ride the Trump train until the day he quits the campaign altogether, and CNN will reap the benefits of reporting the preposterous reasons for his exit from the presidential race. Sound reasonable?? Until then….

More questions to follow from

Curious Jack

Would Jesus Approve?? Let’s Compare…

November 4, 2015 

There are many interpretations and conflicting thoughts regarding the stories told in the bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. As children; most of us were made aware of the various books of the bible via the thoughts of a priest, minister, pastor etc.; often initially by a Sunday school teacher. We were taught about Jesus, the Son of God, and the kind, unselfish and giving way of life that he represented, and the message of goodness that he provided by his mere existence. We were encouraged to give ourselves to God, and to appreciate, worship and follow his path in a quest to emulate his commitments. Jesus showed no interest in personal wealth, pomp or ceremony, embracing the poor and the sick in a selfless manner that was apparent throughout his life. We were told to believe the writings of the bible and not to question the miracles that were described within the confines of these books. We were told to have faith in God and also to fear Him, for we would be punished severely if we did not fully accept Him as our savior. We were directed to live our lives in his image and to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

These teachings still resonate with many of us, and we still equate Christian faith as a basis for kindness and selflessness, with a lack of dishonesty, greed or malice. We expect that Christians will be good listeners who are willing to appreciate the thoughts of their peers in a cooperative goal of communication. This feeling of comforting faith was instilled in us at varying young ages, but somehow served as a foundation of security as we grew into adolescence and adulthood.

So what happened to the Christian faith in our society, and its comparison with the days of Jesus? Today’s faithful choose to doggedly decipher phrases of the bible that might mean that marriage is only meant to be between a man and a woman, and use this translation to viciously protest gay marriage, a practice that is accepted by the majority of the population today. Would Jesus condemn these gay people or would he listen to the consensus?? Their thoughts are similar with regard to abortion rights and resort to screaming, hateful marches in pro-life rituals that show disregard for the well-being of future mothers that will be affected by an unwanted birth. Would Jesus blindly advocate a singular, unbending stance or would he be understanding and show tolerance?? How would he suggest immigration laws be attended to, and would he disregard the lives of families and children that have been accepted in the country for generations?? How would Jesus assess income inequality?? Would Jesus be more inclined to assist the rich in their quest to attain all of the money in the country or would he find ways to guide the underprivileged on a path to reasonable success and a worthy, proud existence?? This is a very short list of examples showing that the ideal of Christianity has been lost in translation, and is instead used as an excuse to alter the lives of citizens everywhere.

Most US politicians and lawmakers are or claim to be devout followers of Christ and Jesus, but do they portray this faith as intended? Would it be acceptable to Jesus that candidates will do virtually anything possible in their power to defame members of the opposing party as well as their own? Lies are commonplace, to be denied and ignored at a later date. Truth distortion is an art form that is a daily presentation to an eagerly listening media audience. Would Jesus answer a direct question, or, (like a politician) ignore the question and discuss an issue unrelated to the topic?? Politicians are elected by the populace and swear on the bible to serve and represent those who voted them into office, but are they committed to the populace or the donors that funded the campaign that resulted in their election?? Would Jesus not  have the substance to recognize this obvious reality and strive to correct this corrupt system??

Donald Trump isn’t familiar with the scripture from his favorite book; the Bible, but evangelicals seem to  believe him because he likes it even better than his own book; the Art of the Deal. But really; does Trump strike you as a kind man in the image of his hero Jesus, or is this the epitome of hypocrisy?? How about Ted Cruz? Does he design his ranting, pompous, overbearing delivery to express himself as a man with the good of the people as his purpose, or is he overwhelmed with himself? Cruz points out that “he might not have a beer with you, but he would drive you home”. Ask yourself; Christian or not — Would even Jesus choose to have a beer with Ted Cruz??? — These guys are not the exception; find ONE candidate that doesn’t play the Christian card to his own advantage. Seriously; would Jesus accuse these people of using his name in vain??? As an honest selfless individual; would he not be ashamed of this deceiving extension of his messages…………??

More questions to follow from…

Curious Jack


August 10, 2015 

The protest march in Ferguson; commemorating the anniversary of Michael Brown’s death  did not go well, resulting in gunfire and the wounding of three individuals. The growing “Black Lives Matter” mantra obviously serves to encourage the protestation of police brutality, the profiling of young black men, the ensuing biased racial treatment and the too-often resulting demise of unarmed black citizens. It should be noted that past gatherings have included a demand for housing improvements and more job opportunities that will hopefully improve the lives of underprivileged black community members. This communication divide should be dealt with sooner than later, but How…???

Close-to-accurate studies indicate that between 1999 and 2014; 68 unarmed blacks were killed by law enforcement and the majority of the officers involved were not held accountable for varying reasons. These statistics show a disturbing phenomenon that certainly can’t be ignored; and should be respected as a legitimate trend that should certainly not go unnoticed by anyone. The “Black Lives Matter” movement has gained strong traction across the nation, and many supporters of the catchphrase have even decided to appear at political rallies with the intention of enjoying organized crowd access.

There have been guesstimates that nearly 11,000 Black on Black deaths occurred between the time Trayvon Martin was killed and his shooter, George Zimmerman was acquitted; a total of 503 days. Even assuming this figure was exaggerated; a total in excess of 6000 might seem reasonable, and does this not represent a disturbing comparison in the overview of the enormity of these numbers of violent black deaths?? Why does the core group of “Black Lives Matter” not organize and march in a concerted protest against the criminal element in their own black communities that commit these murders?? Is the suggestion that this problem is restricted to unfair police practices; that killing their own is not worth mass concern and is exempt from criticism?? Is this racism??

Are public black leaders, politicians and commentators faithful to what is a one-sided description of racial divide and therefore creators of dialogue that inflames the populace in general??? The usual suspects can always be depended upon to voice outrage due to the mistreatment of innocent black victims of the “system”, represented by notables like NAACP President Cornell William Brooks, Charles Blow, Sunny Hostin, Van Jones, L.Z. Granderson, Marc Lamont Hill and more. Is it a fact that not one of these so-called societal experts ever takes issue and denounces the crime-based, gang-related portion of black culture? Instead; they present the ongoing reason for these unlawful acts as the need for jobs and housing, and the rhetorical claim that providing these solutions will solve these inherent problems.

So; let’s go back to How…? An influx of affordable housing would be a bonus in any neighborhood across the nation; an abundance of good-paying jobs would definitely be of benefit, and available education programs would be great as well. Buuuut– Who is going to GIVE these opportunities to them and why? Is it to be the White Community and why?? Would it be because of protests?? Would a real estate investor feel that an organized marching group is an impetus to build a profitable complex in a volatile area?? Who would provide the insurance coverage? Would there be vandalism, graffiti, constant maintenance etc.? Respectfully; are these not just a few examples of reality, and proof that gifts are not made available by people who have their own agendas to deal with??

Bernie Sanders will not gain the Presidency, but his campaign strategy stands alone in an attempt to assist the middle class and the black community on a mission of selfless endeavor. Sanders organized a Social Security rally in Seattle on Saturday, and somehow it made sense for Marissa Janae Johnson and Mara Jacqeline Willford; the co-founders of the Seattle “Black Lives Matter” chapter, to interrupt the meeting, take over the venue, spew hate-filled vitriol, and cause cancellation of the event entirely. The  question arises again — Is this behavior based upon Racism?? Whatever it is; there appears to be an indication that this aggressive approach will not be of merit, and further unrest is imminent.

A note to the aforementioned leaders and commentators — Why not accept that there is literally no upside to constant police-bashing tactics and concentrate your efforts in a legitimate, honest manner that may, just may, be of benefit in improving black lives. Why not get Angry at the criminal element that kill each other every day and become an embarrassment to any cause??  Why not admit and confess to the nation that today’s young black male is far, far more likely to be killed by one of his own than a white police officer?? Is this an undeniable fact?? Do the numbers lie??

More questions to follow from….

Curious Jack

Can America Handle the Whole Truth??

July 25, 2015 

It seems sensible that Hillary Clinton should provide any missing and pertinent Email information, but apparently that’s too difficult. She also should come to terms with all questions regarding the Benghazi attack, but this also appears to be an evasive process. Both these issues are in dispute; weakly defended by the Left, and hotly pursued by the Right.

Members of the Black community claim they are victims of brutality, killing and racial bias by the police, and join together in asserting that “Black Lives Matter.” However; members of the Black community also seem to be under the assumption that it is perfectly okay and defend the right to resist arrest or disobey the orders of these same police officers. They march in protest of their treatment, and the media is eager to provide a platform in voicing individual examples of the murders of  innocent black men by the police. Again however; they conspicuously do NOT march in protest against their own community members that are guilty of Black-on-Black crimes and the resulting deaths that far, far, far outnumber police incidents. Once again; opinions in dispute and clearly unsolvable.

These are only two examples of the endless differences that exist in the so-called “Greatest Country in the World”, but let’s recognize a few of the others; the large majority of which are mired in political hatred. In no particular order we could discuss Immigration Reform, Amnesty Issues, the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement, the Iran Deal or No Deal, Terrorism, Homeland Security, ISIS, Racial Divide, Religious Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Fetus Harvesting, Stem Cell Research, Christianity Under Attack,  Duggar Sexual Abuse, The Viability (or lack of) of Donald Trump, Health Care, Obamacare, Tax Reform, Welfare, Jobs, The Economy, Infrastructure, The National Debt, The Fiscal Cliff, Minimum Wage, Income Inequality, Unemployment, Gun Control, Mass Shootings, Gay Marriage, Gay Adoption, Gays in the Military, Military Spending, WARS – Both past and future, Legal and Illegal Marijuana, Sex Education, Common Core, Fracking, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Gasoline Prices, Solar Power, Wind Power, Media Power, Student Loans, Background Checks, Prison Reform, Guantanamo Bay, Capital Punishment, Drones, God, Creationism, Atheism, Evolution, Church and State, Media Bias, Media Influence, The 1%, The Shrinking Middle Class, etc, etc, etc, etc., and Democrats and Republicans disagree on EACH and EVERY one of these concerns. Seriously; what is so “Great” about all this unrest and hatred, when the only future certainty is more of the same???

The common denominator in virtually all of these topics is that there is a conflict or difference of opinion regarding each issue, and each side vehemently defends their righteous position. Another constant is that when supporters of a subject present their case; entire facts are not a requirement and the absolute or open truth is not only absent but is seemingly forbidden. President Obama recently agreed to release 45 inmates who were serving long prison terms, but had been found guilty of non-violent crimes. One of these individuals is named Marlon McNealy, and he has been incarcerated for 22 years as a result of his involvement in illegal drug activity. Mr. McNealy is certainly not an innocent victim of the legal system, but has been deemed to have paid his dues and this release will provide him the opportunity to live a respectful life in the public domain.

Bill O’Reilly of Fox News fame sees the release differently. Last week he showed his disgust at this ill-chosen release, and submitted his profile of McNealy to back up his opinion. He stated that McNealy OVERSAW a huge crack operation in Florida that harmed millions of people, adding that McNealy’s grandfather had died in prison after formerly leading the business. He also pointed out that his grandfather’s successor was serving a life term as well, as if these were facts that should effect McNealy. He referred to McNealy as a “Drug Kingpin” who most certainly could not be non-violent because “It’s well-known that these people get involved in turf wars to protect their territories”. O’Reilly further attacked Obama; saying he should be truthful by admitting “These are terrible, evil people who the President is trying to engender sympathy for.”

Please note that Mr. O’Reilly not so subtly included the remaining 44 inmates in his presentation, because that suits his overall purpose and provides foundation for my criticism of O’Reilly and all other haters like him that represent both political sides. Summing up; he spent an entire segment ranting about someone who was an abomination, and NOT ONCE did he mention that in 1993, at the time of his arrest, that McNealy was 20 Years Of Age…….At that time was he a Kingpin? A Leader? Unlikely. A Kid on a path to destruction? Definitely. But — Does O’Reilly know or care or is his focus to twist the facts to suit his audience?? Is 22 years a sufficient sentence in this instance? Should a man rot in prison for crimes that he was responsible for when very young or is it reasonable to liberate him at the age of 42 ?? Does Bill O’Reilly care about the whole truth or the purposeful misleading presentation of HIS truth????????

More questions to follow from…

Curious Jack

Racism – No Problem??

June 25, 2015 

Further to yesterday’s article regarding Dylann Roof, Politics and Religion; it’s interesting to see and read additional commentary downplaying the incident. According to Fox News and contributors like the renowned Charles Krauthammer; Roof was not influenced at all by the presence or significance of the  Confederate flag. His opinion is that the furor over whether to remove the flag or not is irrelevant and is topical only because of typical Liberal ranting, leading to attempts to revisit gun control agendas and more.

Presidential candidate Rick Santorum views the murders of the 9 Black parishioners as an attack by “anti-religious sentiment in this country,” and in particular, an “attack on Christianity”…. not on Blacks. Santorum and others have found an ability to ignore the facts laid out in Roof’s manifesto in which he cites reasons for his actions. The Atlantic posted an article titled “Why a BLACK Church?” as if it might well have occurred in another church. Isn’t it a stretch of reality that many Conservatives are comparing the crime to the “Nazi hatred of Christianity”? Roof simply states that he has hatred for and wants to kill Blacks. He does not mention God, Church or Religion, only his proud focus on his mission to “save his country.” What if Roof confirms his intentions when questioned by law enforcement officials, and his confession excludes an association with religion?? How will Santorum and like-minded religious leaders spin the information away from what is obviously a Race-based Hate crime against Blacks? Why is the truth so difficult to swallow, that this and many other social issues do not relate to politics or faith? Why is there an inherent need to pick sides, to blindly insist on following a beaten path rather than forming a thoughtful opinion that may well or could contradict a party or religious belief?

Is it fear? Do politicians have a constant fear of contradicting the foundation of their base? Are they afraid to express true, personal ideas or thoughts because of possible criticism from opponents? Why do they ALL assume the same side of a discussion and NEVER waiver from the initial presentation, regardless of additional pertinent information? Does this purposeful unbending pattern relate to anything else in human life?

Or; is it also apparent in religious belief? Is fear a factor in completely avoiding any suggestion that a God may not exist, and is not a part of physical happenings all over the planet.?? Why are political leaders so frantic in their individual efforts to expose what is described as an attempt to destroy Christianity and retain Religious Freedom, and compete to be on the cutting edge of this protection of their faith? When queried about who or what group is specifically endangering this cause; why is there never an answer to the direct question? Is it Democrats? No; as more than 85% of Democratic leaders are Christian, and when has any Democratic leader publicly denounced Christianity? Is Hillary Clinton guilty? No. Bernie Sanders? No. John Kerry? No. Barack Obama? No. Who then?? Has the Media attacked Religious Freedom?  CNN? No. MSNBC? No. USA Today? No. The Wall Street Journal? No. Any news carrier, TV or radio station, newspaper, tabloid, etc.? No. So who are the culprits? Hear any sports figures deny God? No; in fact they thank God when they hit a home run, score a goal, make a tackle, win a fight or a game. Any movie stars? No. Is someone making this up, or is it possible that Bill Maher is the sole reason for all this fuss about freedom?

Roof and many, many others of his kind hate Blacks, plain and simple, and the hate is a real, living, accepted and ingrained entity.  Is it not absolutely wrong to ignore this fact and attempt to turn the issue into a debate regarding religion and politics? Why not face the truth and accept that some U.S. families, communities and geographical areas have produced generations of hatred toward Blacks and will proudly continue to do so, regardless of sensibility? As long as prominent public figures incessantly promote their own agendas, no matter what common sense suggests; failure will prevail. Is the reality of Racism political? Is Health Care? Is Climate Change? Is Poverty? Is Immigration? Is Gun Control? Is Religion? Is The Media? Sadly; it is, and in this DIVIDED, so-called “Greatest Country in the World” what is positive about the DIVIDED solutions regarding the future?

More questions to follow from….

Curious Jack

Dylann Roof / Race / Religion… Flag??

June 23, 2015 

Dylann Roof. —— A white 21 year-old man named Dylann Roof entered a church in South Carolina last Wednesday; murdered 9 black parishioners, and the incident is now the focus of multiple aspects of American life in general. Was this a Racial attack? Was this a Political or Religious attack? Was he coerced and if so; what or who influenced him? Was this act a result of many years of inherited southern culture? Was it all of the above and more???

Did the answer not seem Racial when the assailant admitted he wanted to kill Black people because they “were taking over the country”, and it was up to him to take action? Did the answer not seem Political or Religious when numerous faith-based politicians openly claimed that there was not enough available information about the incident to form an opinion? Was the answer possibly available to researchers by examining Roof’s connection to White Supremacist Groups, a number of whom have been contributors to Republican Presidential candidates? Is the answer the most obvious; that quite possibly Dylann Roof is an example of the hatred that still exists and festers in the deep south of the so-called “Greatest Country in the World”???

Is everything political in the U.S.?? Immediately following the heinous crime Liberal Democrats seized the opportunity to once again call for more stringent gun control, cite radical racism and recognize the perpetrator’s allegiance to the Confederate Flag flying over the State Capitol Building. Nikki Haley; the Republican Governor of South Carolina reacted quickly and called for the removal of the symbolic flag. Just as quickly, and when questioned, numerous GOP Presidential candidates removed themselves from the conversation, suggesting the decision should be made by the State of South Carolina alone and did not want to select a side in a debate. (To do otherwise might well have annoyed key members of the GOP base)

Buuuut —- Luckily; candidate Mike Huckabee solved the issue once and for all…. The day after Governor Haley called for the flag removal; Huckabee dismissed the process as irrelevant. He confirmed that South Carolina has a “female Governor who is of Indian descent, and the ONLY elected African-American U.S. Senator in the South from a state of 4.8 million people who are mostly white”, and stated “That’s Not Racism!” Further, and more powerfully; he denounced the need for more conversations about race, and instead encouraged the solution of conversions to belief and dependance on GOD. He says that he loves God; he knows that God created other people regardless of their color, and he doesn’t have a problem about racism. He feels strongly that the race issue is SOLVED, and is not noteworthy….. REALLY?? This from a Presidential candidate?? HELLO????

As an aside; this past Saturday; a 20 year-old man was killed and 9 others were wounded when a gunman opened fire at a family block party that included small children in Detroit, Michigan. The victims ranged in age from 21 to 46; three were women, one remains in critical condition, and all involved were black. Assistant Police Chief Steve Dolunt said that “Through the grace of God, no children were shot”. What would Mike Huckabee add to this comment? What would Mike say about God’s reason for allowing the 20-year-old to die? What would Mike say about God enabling the wounded to survive? Would he make up appropriate answers on the fly? Would the answers be as as nonsensical as his suggestion that Race is Not an Issue in America?

Seriously; should Church and State not be separate in matters of Government? Will prayer prove to be effective in dealings with the Middle East?? In improving the economy? In dealing with climate change? In making education affordable? In providing all Americans an equal opportunity at a decent existence? What real, live, honest direct effect will worship have in any phase of American life? In manufacture? In research? In entertainment? In environment? In infrastructure? In health care? etc. etc. etc. etc….?? Why not accept that God is Not mentioned in the Constitution? That God is Not mentioned in the untruthful claim of a “God Given Right” to bear arms in the 2nd amendment? If it’s real, why can’t faith be a personal and PRIVATE entity, a solace depended upon by the individual but not a factor in swaying the thoughts or opinions of Presidential Candidates??

Will Dylann Roof prove to be a catalyst prompting future racial and religious discussions?

More questions to come from…

Curious Jack


May 27, 2015 

Soooo….. Let’s try a quick overview of Jim Bob, Michelle Duggar and family; stars of the successful TV Reality show “19 Kids & Counting”. The Duggars apparently follow a Conservative Evangelical Protestant group called “Quiverfull”, a movement that declares an obedience to God, a denial of contraception use, and essentially encourages couples to have all the children they can. Quiverfull extends the belief that Man’s quiver is full, and should be used to be fruitful and multiply, as children are a gift from God.

Sooo…… Jim Bob has shown strong commitment in fulfilling his obligation, and Michele has also done a good job so far, bearing 19 children by the age of 48, with more to come. She also has 8 or 9 grandchildren, so her kids are good at making kids too. Successful farmers have historically used a similar concept in the breeding and development of commodity products like beef, pork, poultry and more, however this process is seldom recognized as a common trend in human development.

Buuut…. Sometimes kids mess up. Josh Duggar, the eldest child, was caught (at the age of 14, 15 or 16), sexually abusing 4 of his sisters and at least one other young girl. His parents decided not to make the information public, (nor did the local police), and elected to deal with Josh’s difficulties on their own, as a family, and as a result they miraculously became even closer to God. Certainly no mention of this crime was divulged prior to the inception of the TV show, and Josh became the poster boy of the devout family, the new face of faith and politics, and head of the Conservative Family Research Council. He became a leader in the fight against same-sex marriage and homosexuality in general. He and his family were applauded by GOP members, regularly meeting with and enjoying photo-ops with GOP Presidential candidates, including Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry and more. He was revered and referred to by Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly and Conservative Talk Radio hosts across the nation.

Buuut…. since this incestual hiccup, little commentary has been forthcoming from most candidates, other than Mike Huckabee who, along with his wife Janet has “affirmed his support for the Duggar family.” He blames the “bloodthirsty media” for revealing these “long ago sins” and is pleased that Judge Stacey Zimmerman (twice supported for committee positions  by former Governor Huckabee) has chosen to order the molestation information destroyed; not to protect Josh Duggar, but to insulate the innocent victims. Doesn’t Mike Huckabee have “President of the United States” written all over him?? Siding with Mr. Huckabee, and solidly in Josh’s corner is someone named Carrie Hurd, wife of Texas Pastor Patrick Hurd. Carrie feels that Josh was merely a (15 year-old) child “playing doctor” as all children do, and that the female victims, due to their participation should be held accountable as well. She states that this abuse is a positive entity, leads to God’s savior, and has “eternal consequences of great benefit and glory to God.” How did Mrs. Hurd figure this out?? How can she feel that these young girls are guilty of coercion and Josh is just acting out his childhood?

Soooo…. Will the Duggar debacle provide further indication that women have essentially been downgraded to minimal status or unimportant with regard to religion-based, male-dominated cultures? Does this suggestion lead to additional queries? Why, for example, are Muslim females required to be shrouded from head to foot, and dutifully accept this tradition? Why are male Mormons able to have multiple wives, but not extend the same status to a female counterpart? Why are Mennonite or Amish women not allowed to wear jewellery, makeup or bright-colored clothing? Why are there no female Catholic priests? Why is genital mutilation or honor killing acceptable in some religious faiths? Why are these questions not asked by any sensible individual with at least some common sense? Are these not legitimate thoughts that should be addressed by citizens residing in the Greatest Country in the World? Should God not just Bless the American men, but the women as well?

When the GOP candidates and supporters attempt to minimize and sweep the Duggar scandal under the political carpet, will the American public accept “trickery and deceit”, or rebel against the nonsensical reasoning that will spew forth, absolving an “immature child who made mistakes” in an early part of his life…. ??????

More questions to follow from..

Curious Jack

Baltimore – What Next??

April 28, 2015 

Baltimore, Maryland, a major U.S city is presently under siege due to racial unrest, but what or where is next in the Greatest Country in the World?? Will the poor eventually unite with the diminishing middle class and rebel against the rich and violently attack the establishment itself??

Right or wrong; black activists are unrelenting in describing police brutality with respect to “young black males”. Highly visible journalists such as Charles Blow, Van Jones, Marc Lamont-Hill and others choose to champion and glorify individual examples of “stereotyped bias”, and are outraged at the lack of respect afforded to these members of the populace, regardless of background.

Trayvon Martin was targeted and executed simply because he “chose to wear a hoodie”. Michael Brown was depicted as an innocent 18 year-old child that happened to be 6 foot 4 and weighed 300 lbs. Eric Garner was a totally harmless man who was murdered while resisting arrest. Freddy Gray, a formerly convicted drug user was victimized and died while in custody after running from police officers. Is it not apparent that all of these claims can be construed as truthful, depending on one’s preference of purpose? Is it unreasonable to accept that these deaths could be at least remotely related to racial discrimination?? So say the activists; these black lives matter and they represent their cause.

These high-profile cases have been the basis and focal point of subsequent protest marches by black communities across the nation, both peaceful and violent. —But – Will today’s episode in Baltimore be the catalyst that will erase any progress or recognition gained by prior demonstrations, and will it serve to ensure an additional 20 years of denied black progress? If the white establishment were searching for an excuse to absolve themselves of any public recognition of racial inequality; was this not the ideal scenario?? Do they not care or agree that the root cause of these conflicts is the lack of education and opportunity available to youths in black communities??

Why not face the truth? Instead of constantly accusing and ranting against the police; why have Black leaders not organized and led honest, meaningful marches against the individuals that are the sole reason for racial stereotyping?? Why not expose and describe their own male youth, their own criminal base that instill earned fear in the lives of both black and white hearts and minds. If Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton were truly concerned for their people rather than  their own pompous thirst for recognition; why would they not lead a mission to vilify this violent and deplorable segment of their society??

Why not face additional truth?? The accused police officers involved in these recent episodes do not represent law enforcement in its entirety across the nation. So why suggest that ALL police officers are guilty of unwarranted brutality? What if these same officers said – “If you don’t trust us; police yourselves!!” As an aside; is that overreaction out of the realm of possibility, and what would be the consequence? (Imagine NO police) Conversely; all black males are not looters and vandals like the groups destroying Baltimore tonight, and critics will use their actions to condemn all black citizens as a combined group. However —- Do other less isolated groups exist in American society??

What if human inequality continues its rapid growth, regardless of race, color or creed? Studies prove that 2% of the population have acquired 99% of the country’s wealth and this hoarding of wealth will continue to expand. What will happen when 98% of the people have nowhere to turn, have no hope of success, no access to education, a job, or a path to a decent life? This undefined group of over 300,000,000 members will have a number of common traits, one of which is that collectively they own over 300,000,000 GUNS, and another is that they will be desperate. Many are jobless, discouraged ex-military, with organizational skills. Many are well-educated but cannot support their families, let alone provide their children with a future. Will they unite and rebel?? Will they climb the fences and destroy the mansions?? Possible?? or Impossible?

At this time, and WITHOUT question,; this is a sad day in Baltimore… but frustration is prominent in many, many areas in the Greatest Country in the World.

More questions to come from …

Curious Jack